Portrait of Virginia Dare |
Written by Hope Trent
Friday, September 09, 2016 08:46 AM |

On April 25, 1930, the NSCDA presented a painting to the state of North Carolina depicting a significant piece of history. This painting showed the baptism of Virginia Dare. Virginia Dare was known as the first Caucasian to ever be born in the United States, more specifically in North Carolina. She was born on Roanoke Island on August 18th, 1587. The Society recognized this as an important event, and agreed that a portrait of her baptism would be of historical importance. More than 150 prominent men and women gathered in the Supreme Court chamber to watch the event unfold. Mrs. Thomas O’Berry of Goldsboro accepted the portrait for the State Historical Commission. Judge Francis D. Winston of Windsor made a historical address at the event. Mrs. Henry A. London was responsible for securing and presenting the painting, as well as giving a speech for the occasion. Mrs. London and her aunt Mrs. E. E. Moffitt originated the idea of capturing this important event through a painting. Mrs. London first alerted the Colonial Dames of Wake County of her plan, then shared it with the entire state. “We are presenting this picture that it may awaken a great love and keen interest in our State history among the school children who view this historic painting,” stated Mrs. London.