Written by Leilani Pickett
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 03:08 PM |
On Tuesday March 3rd, 1986, the North Carolina Society of Colonial Dames held their monthly meeting at St. James’ Parish House. Founded in 1894, the North Carolina chapter was only in its second year, and sixteen members were in attendance.
The president, Mrs. George Wilson Kidder, read the annual letter written by the North Carolina chapter that discussed the work done and the progress made over the last year. After approval by the Society’s members, a copy of this letter was sent to chapters in each State represented in the National Society of Colonial Dames. The meeting paused briefly at 5 p.m. so that the Society’s members could attend the Lenten service at St. James church. When business resumed after the service, the names of four new members were proposed and seconded for membership.
Today, in February of 2017, the members of the North Carolina Society of Colonial Dames number an astonishing 1,754. The sixteen members who attended that meeting in 1986 would be proud to know that their organization has grown to be the largest of the 45 corporate societies of the Colonial Dames of America.